Work with Me to Prepare for the future without Fear

Overcome Your Challenges & Anxieties, Whether You Are Feeling Depressed, Have Social Phobia, Financial Difficulties Or Are Experiencing Other Difficulties Such As The Ones Below:

Self Esteem

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Pressures on young people to conform & succeed in a competitive society affected by social media can result in low self-esteem, which is often the root cause of many other problems, leaving them feeling empty & hopeless.

Improving one's self-esteem & self-confidence is the first step toward creating the resilience needed to deal with life's challenges. Overcome your fears & limiting beliefs & clearly identify your strengths to drive you forward - your self-worth will increase, your confidence will increase, & you will no longer allow self-doubt to keep you from achieving your goals.
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Relationships may be difficult to manage at any age, but they can be especially difficult during a time when so much is changing. Relationship problems, whether with friends, family, or colleagues, can cause friction & emotions of loneliness, sadness, & social fear. Feeling alone or awkward in social situations is common, & it can be incredibly stressful & restrictive.

By taking a deep look at what your challenges are & what you want to change will be the first step in resetting how you feel & act socially. Identifying exercises & strategies that work for you will enable you to calm social anxiety & you will grow more confident in dealing with people & in social situations.
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Managing Overwhelm & Conquering Procrastination

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Life may seem too much at times, with obligations & expectations leading to overwhelm & procrastination. Fear of making a mistake, as well as uncertainty about what to do & how to proceed, can lead to inaction, which leads to frustration & despair at being trapped & not attaining what you want.

Take a deep breath & a step back. Investigate & untangle what's going on, & then reconsider your situation. You'll begin to feel lighter, more in control, & able to see things more clearly. The end goal will be to develop a system for managing your emotions so that when overwhelm strikes again, you won't feel entirely stuck.
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Few young people know exactly what they want to do or achieve. Many are confused about their future careers, or they are overwhelmed & stressed as they don't know what to do with their life, which can leave them feeling depressed. By evaluating your abilities & strengths, as well as investigating what works & what doesn't, you will develop a clear picture of where you want to go, create objectives to sharpen your focus, & build happiness & motivation, which is essential for growth.

Prepare for the future & give yourself the best chance.
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Financial Life skills

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Financial literacy in young adults is very low. A high proportion of students feel they didn’t receive enough financial education at school.

Mismanagement of money is responsible for many of life's hardships.

Combining knowledge of how to handle your money with knowledge of how to build good money behaviours & habits as a young adult is transformative. Create a financial blueprint that will serve as a reference point as your income grows. Improve your money management skills, investigate what isn't working, & develop good routines & behaviours to help you stay out of debt & grow wealth.
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Coping with exam stress & anxiety

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Feeling concerned before tests & exams is natural since it can motivate you to work harder. However, if you are overwhelmed by exam stress & it is interfering with your ability to perform & succeed then understanding & addressing the causes is critical.

Exam stress can develop for a wide range of reasons. Knowing the source(s) of your anxiety allows you to develop techniques to manage it. Lifestyle concerns, a lack of revision & exam taking skills, poor studying habits, negative thinking, or self-limiting attitudes can all be causes.

Everyone is different. Be in the right frame of mind, figure out your best strategy, & know you're doing your best.
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Money Coaching

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I'm on a mission to help young people develop excellent financial life skills. Many of our money beliefs & behaviours are influenced by our parents & caregivers, which is why I am enthusiastic about helping anyone better their connection with their personal finances so that we may teach our children & loved ones financial competence.

Financial coaches, can empower, inspire & motivate you to take charge of your personal finances.

We are not regulated & will not sell you products, but we can help you build wealth by supporting you to address your self-limiting beliefs & behaviours.
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